
Level Up Automation of Louisiana is the premiere sales, design and service provider of Smart Home and Commercial Automation technologies including networking, audio/video, temperature, lighting, surveillance and home control.

Level Up Automation of Louisiana

Technology Services

Here’s where you can get all of the details about what we have to offer! Whether you’re looking to upgrade your home or your business, we have something for you! We offer full-range automation for residential and commercial properties. Interested in learning more? Click below to get an in-depth look at how we can help you level up! 

Home Automation

Home automation is taking over around the country! It’s a relatively new phenomenon that has been gaining popularity with homeowners. This technology connects your personal devices, entertainment platforms, home appliances and much more to a centralized hub in which you can control everything from lights, to temperature, or even music  – using only smartphones, tablets, computers, etc.

Commercial Solutions

Smart buildings include commercial, industrial, and residential buildings of all shapes and sizes – including offices, skyscrapers, apartment buildings, and multi-tenant offices and residences. Many of the same smart technologies used in smart homes are deployed in smart buildings, including lighting, energy, heating, and air conditioning, and security and building access systems.


Are you tired of having an app for everything? Do you have a previously-installed system that you would like serviced? We provide ongoing support services for new and existing systems!

Brand Partners

Here is our full list of the partners that help us make the magic happen. Each and every one is able to get you one step closer to a fully automated experience. Check them out!